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Divi Gradient Text

Want to have an attractive blend of colors on your texts?

Next Text Gradient Module offers you a fast and easy way to mix colors of your choice to your texts. Put a gradient effect on texts, make it look colorful!

Comes with 25+ Hover Effects!

Content → Text

  1. Gradient Title – Add the title text to your Gradient Text design layout
  2. Select a Heading Tag – choose a suitable Heading Tag.

Design → Fonts

  1. Font – Select a font from the collection or use a custom font.
  2. Font Weight – define how you want your font to show either regular, italic, bold extra, or even extra light.
  3. Font Style – Pick a style of font for the design.
  4. Text Size – easily resize the text using the slider. This feature is for desktops, tablets, and phones.
  5. Letter Spacing – adjust the spacing between the letters using the slider.
  6. Line Height – adjust the space between the lines using the slider.
  7. Text Shadow – select a prebuilt shadow for your text.

Design → Gradient Color

  1. Select Color Onemanually select Color One for the Gradient text using the pointer, or you can state the hex code and get the exact color you require.
  2. Select Color Twomanually select Color Two for the Gradient text using the pointer, or you can state the hex code and get the exact color you require.
  3. Select Gradient Type – choose between the two gradient type.
  4. Radial Direction – pick the direction of the gradient within the Radial Direction.
  5. Start Position – adjust the start position using the slider
  6. End Position – adjust the end position using the slider

Design → Reveal Effect

  1. Enable Reveal Effect – enable the switch to add a reveal effect to the Gradient Text design.
  2. Reveal Effect Colormanually select Reveal Effect Color for the Gradient text design using the pointer, or you can place the hex code and get the exact color you require.

Design → Hover Effect

  1. Text Hover Effect – enable the switch to add Hover Effect to the Gradient Text.
  2. Select Hover Effect – select a hover effect from the many unique collection of Hover Effect.

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